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Our Concord Family Law Attorneys Share Common Issues Arising From Divorce

Ferguson Hayes Hawkins, PLLC Jan. 25, 2017

A divorce is the most devastating time of many people’s lives. While emotions often blind us, it is important to know the legal side of divorce. Since family law varies from state to state, we are going to specifically look at the guideline for divorce and separation in NC, and where to find a Concord family law attorney or divorce lawyers.

If matters cannot be worked out between the two divorcing parties, it will more than likely be necessary to hold a trial. Divorce lawyers will help you review the disputed issues, the most common of which are child support and custody and post-separation support and alimony.

Child Custody and Support

As with in most states, child custody and support are one of the biggest issues when it comes to divorce and separation in NC. North Carolina makes an effort to make the best interest of the child priority. A judge will decide whether one or both parents will make decisions regarding the lives of the child or children, as well as establish a custody schedule. In most cases, one parent will be ordered to provide monthly child support payments to the other parent, which will most likely be calculated using state guidelines.

Post-Separation Support and Alimony

Post-separation support is temporary alimony paid to a dependent spouse with a financial need, either until the support is no longer needed or an alimony agreement is made.

One spouse must be determined to be financially dependent on the other spouse in order to receive alimony. After this determination is made, the court is required to consider other evidence before making a decision regarding the amount, duration, and manner of payment of alimony. This evidence includes marital misconduct in regards to adultery, abandonment, excessive drug or alcohol use, and abuse. The court will also consider factors such as the length of the marriage, assets and liabilities, and potential earning power of either spouse.

In a time of emotional trials, it is important to have the support of a professional to handle the details of a divorce. Contact your local Concord family law attorney today to find the assistance you need to put this difficult time behind you.